The Kintsugi Inside


Christine Season 1 Episode 4

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Hitting that pause button on a dream? Contemplating a career change? In this episode of The Kintsugi Inside, Christine tackles the often-dreaded concept of quitting and flips the script on its negative connotation.

We've all been there – staring down the barrel of a situation that no longer sparks joy, but the fear of judgment and the societal pressure to "stick it out" can feel paralyzing. Christine will share her own experiences with quitting, the internal battles, and the fear of disappointing others.

But what if quitting wasn't a failure, but a courageous step towards personal growth? Christine will explore how meditation can be a powerful tool for clearing the mental clutter and gaining clarity on what truly matters. Through insightful discussions, you'll learn to differentiate between giving up and making empowered decisions that align with your own well-being and fulfillment.

This episode is a celebration of choosing yourself. Join Christine as she encourages you to embrace the power of quitting and see it as a catalyst for positive change. Remember, sometimes the greatest leaps forward come from letting go of what no longer serves you.