The Kintsugi Inside


Christine Season 1 Episode 3

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Have you ever felt like you're constantly chasing the clock? Like the universe operates on a schedule you just can't seem to crack? In this episode of The Kintsugi Inside, Christine explores the powerful concept of timing and how her meditation practice has completely transformed her mindset around it.

Christine will share a personal story about taking a leap of faith into a new career path. Looking back, she realizes that the timing of events, seemingly random at the time, ultimately led her exactly where she needed to be. This episode is all about letting go of the need to control the timeline and instead cultivating trust in the unfolding of life's journey.

We'll delve into the impact of our mindset on our perception of timing. Christine will share tips on how meditation can help you quiet the inner critic and embrace the flow of life. You'll also learn the importance of surrounding yourself with positive content and creating a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Join Christine in Episode 3 as she helps you transform your relationship with timing. Learn to let go, trust the process, and discover the golden opportunities that await when you stop trying to force things and embrace the perfect rhythm of life. Remember, the universe has a plan – let your meditation practice guide you towards a more peaceful and fulfilling journey.